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La Bella Real Estate, LLC

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Meet Greg Makozy

I have been involved in real estate and mortgages for over 22 years. I have a massive amount of knowledge to not only help you with your purchase, I can help you sell your home.

I am very knowledgeable about the south Florida market. I have extensive knowledge of the luxury home market.

Please feel free to contact me by phone or email and I will answer any question you have.

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NAR’s Clear Cooperation Policy tweak: Inman’s Top 5

Looking for a quick catch-up on the buzziest stories of the week? Here’s Inman Top 5, the most essential stories, according to Inman readers.


NAR announces 61 positions eliminated in overhaul

The cuts are all part of what NAR called a "months-long strategy" to "streamline" and "reposition" around its new leadership team, as well as "reallocate" the association's budget dollars.


CFPB cites DEI in push to kill $105k settlement with mortgage broker

Acting director Russell Vought claims bureau "abused its power" in redlining case against Townstone Financial that dragged on for four years, to "further the goal of mandating DEI in lending."


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